Federal Tax ID


Also known as an Employer Identification Number (or EIN), this is required for things like a bank account, hire employees, etc.

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Also known as an Employer Identification Number (or EIN), this is required for things like a bank account, hire employees, etc.

Also known as an Employer Identification Number (or EIN), this is required for things like a bank account, hire employees, etc.

What it is...

  • A limited liability company (LLC) is a structure allowed by state statute.

  • An LLC is formed by filing articles of organization with the state's secretary of state office.

  • An LLC must be unique in its state. There can be no more than one active LLC with the same name in the same state.

  • For federal tax purposes, an LLC may be treated as a partnership or a corporation, or be disregarded as an entity separate from its owner.

  • An LLC can have two or more members (multi-member) or one member (single-member).

  • An LLC can have an unlimited number of members.

  • An LLC's members may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs, or foreign entities.

What it is not...