Name Registration (FL)
With our name registration service, we will register your desired name with the state authority (default FL), if available. If your desired name is not available, we’ll work with you to find a suitable alternative. You may have multiple register up to five (5) owners for this entity. If you desire additional owners beyond the initial applicant, please select h the optional add-on which will create a form for additional owner designation.
These instructions are for filing a Fictitious Name Registration pursuant to the Fictitious Name Act (s.865.09, F.S.).
The sole purpose of registering a fictitious name is to inform the public which individual or business entity is transacting business under a particular name.
This registration does not reserve the name or prevent another party from registering the same name.
Fictitious Name
Enter the exact name you wish to register.
Do not enter more than one fictitious name on the application.
A fictitious name may not contain a business entity suffix or indicator (i.e. Corporation, Incorporated, Limited Liability Partnership, Limited Partnership, Professional Association, Corp, L.L.C., L.P., P.A., etc.) unless at least one registrant is a business entity of the same type duly incorporated, organized, formed or otherwise authorized to transact business in this state.
Section 655.922, Florida Statutes, prohibits anyone other than financial institutions to use the word(s) "bank," "banc," "banco," 'banque," "banker," "trust company," "savings and loan association," "savings bank," or "credit union," or words of similar import.
Mailing Address
Enter the business’s mailing address.
This address:
Doesn’t need to be the same as the principal place of business address.
Doesn’t need to be in Florida.
Can be directed to anyone’s attention.
Update the mailing address free of charge if it changes in the future.
Florida County of Principal Place of Business
Use the dropdown menu to select the Florida county where business’s principal place of business is located.
Select “Multiple” if more than one county applies.
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
Optional: Enter the 9-digit number the Internal Revenue Service assigned to the business for federal income tax identification purposes.
Do not enter a Social Security Number.
Contact the IRS at 1.800.829.4933 for additional information.
Certificate of Status
You may request a certificate of status.
This item is not required.
A certificate of status certifies the status and existence of the fictitious name registration and verifies the entity has paid all fees due this office through a certain date.
Fee: $10.00 each
Certified Copy
You may request a certified copy of your Fictitious Name Registration.
This item is not required.
A certified copy will include a filed stamped copy of your Fictitious Name Registration and will verify that the copy is a true and correct copy of the document in our records.
Fee: $30.00 each
Please provide a valid email address.
If filing online: The filing acknowledgement and certification (if any) will be emailed to this address.
All future email communications will be sent to this address, as well.
Owner Information
List each owner and verify their information.
An owner can be an individual or a business entity.
You can only list up to 5 owners.
Call 850.245.6058 for special instructions if you have more than 5 owners.
If an owner is an individual:
List each name as Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.
Enter the mailing address for each individual listed.
If an owner is a business entity (e.g., corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company):
Business entities must be registered and active with the Division of Corporations, or provide documentation stating why they are not required to register. Example: Federally Chartered Corporations or Legislatively created entities.
Enter the mailing address for each entity listed.
Enter the document number assigned by the Division of Corporations for each entity listed.
Enter the FEIN for each business entity, or select “Applied For” or “Not Applicable.”
One owner must sign the document.
If the owner is a business entity, an authorized individual can sign on behalf of the business.
If filing online: type the individual’s name and title in the textbox provide.
Example: John Doe, President
Electronic signatures have the same legal effect as original signatures pursuant to s.15.16, F.S.